2021 Resident Services Impact

Our Resident Services team continuously strives to improve the lives of our residents based on our four pillars: Education, Health & Wellness, Financial Stability, and Community Engagement. In the past year, we’ve seen our team of innovative and compassionate Resident Services Coordinators rally their communities together to combat feelings of isolation from COVID-19 and provide the necessary tools to live well. From holiday celebrations to rental assistance applications, and everything in between, check out a few notable statistics from 2021:

  • 3,108 unique residents participated in activities to reduce social isolation.
  • 558 residents received help with applying for rental assistance.
  • $1.5M+ in rental assistance secured for residents throughout the pandemic.
  • 4,863 rides were given to residents by Transportation.
  • 8,203 commodity food packages delivered
  • 6,925 senior residents visited Senior Choice Food Pantries located on-site at three senior Nevada HAND communities
  • 474 residents were assisted in receiving SNAP (Food Stamps).
  • 186 children received weekly after-school meals.
  • 786 holiday meals provided to residents.

The support from community partners support and enhance our Resident Services Coordinators’ hard work. Our residents benefit greatly from these organizations, and we are thankful for their insight and resources. Here’s how our partners collaborated with us in 2021:


Learn more about how Resident Services creates “more than a home” here.

Help us continue our mission and support Nevada HAND residents.

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